Friday, September 16, 2016

Thank You Hillary for Giving America Your “47% Moment” – And Revealing Your True Hateful Self

Speaking at an LBGT fundraiser in New York City on September 9th with far-Left liberal icon Barbara Streisand – an LBGT community of which I’m a proud member- Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables” who are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it."[1]  

She also encouraged supporters to "stage an intervention" if they have friends considering voting for the Republican nominee.[2]

Wow. She ripped off her mask for all Americans to see.

I would be shocked, but as a conservative author who has studied politics and knows the truth about today’s progressive movement and the Hillary Clinton machine well, I’m not at all surprised.  As Senior Communications Advisor for the Trump campaign Jason Miller said in a statement, “Just when Hillary Clinton said she was going to start running a positive campaign, she ripped off her mask and revealed her true contempt for everyday Americans”.

Hillary said, “You know to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” she said as the crowd laughed and applauded. “…the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”  She went on to say, “Some of those folks — they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America”.[3]

As a gay American, I am disgusted and angered by her comments on so many levels.  Who the heck is she to call half of all Trump supporters hatemongers, racists, homophobic and worse? To top it off, she made these incendiary remarks standing behind a sign with her slogan – “Stronger Together” – while attacking a 60 million+ Americans as “not Americans”.

First, it is a common tactic of the one losing the argument to hurl charges of “racist” and “sexist” when desperate, losing and can’t make their case on the merit of the facts.  Her husband made similar charge of racism when he made his absolutely absurd charge that Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again”, is racist dog whistle.[4] Really?  I suppose it’s racist too when I choose vanilla ice cream over chocolate.  (You know that’s coming….)

Yes, I am a both gay and a proud conservative and Trump supporter.  Maybe it’s because I don’t have what I call, “Progressive Brain Disorder”, a condition with symptoms ranging from supporting socialism, progressivism, Marxism, racial division and class warfare to ignoring Hillary Clinton’s mountain of scandals, criminal lies, hateful rhetoric and pure incompetence.  I support Trump because I dare to support conservative values of limited government, freedom of speech and the press, individual liberties, the Constitution, a strong defense, fair trade and putting America first.  In other words, I am apparently the “racist xenophobe” that Hillary attacked in her speech.

With respect to Hillary’s charge that Trump supporters are “homophobic”, I’m sorry, I’m gay.  Please explain how I’m “homophobic” and she’s not? I can point to countless homophobic statements of hers in the recent past, where she staunchly defended traditional marriage and opposed same-sex unions, until of course it became politically expedient to leverage identity politics to win the LBGT vote.  Two-face and insincere support, Hillary’s just working to buy our votes.  Not biting here.

About the “Islamophobe” charge, let me educate Hillary and her illiberal cohorts – this word is not actually word.  (My spell check proves it.)  It was invented by a radical Islamist think tank to intimidate critics of jihad and Islamic supremacism into silence, and Hillary is doing just that with her absurd charge.  I suppose it’s supremely Islamophobic of me to be a gay man who doesn’t want to get stabbed, shot and decapitated at a night club by a radical jihadist, the kind of jihadist who ISIS has stated has already infiltrated our country within the immigration population, with the intention of creating more mayhem, death and destruction?  The same immigrant population you want to increase by 550% of current levels, who cannot currently be properly vetted?  Sorry, Hillary, I’m with Trump on this one – why would any sane LBGT person – or anyone, for that matter – support your call to bring in millions more of these people from countries whose population hate us, our values and our lifestyle?  Don’t we have enough problems of our own to deal with already?
In my new book, “Cues for Conservatives – How to Engage the Millennial Generation and Unite the Conservative Movement”, I have proposed a bulletproof method to guide all Americans at the ballot box: the “3C’s” test, which details a rational way to vote based on the candidate’s Character, Competency and support of the US Constitution.  In my book, I step through the 3C’s test for Hillary, and she miserably fails all three C’s across the board.  Trump, by contrast, passes the test with flying colors – and I don’t just mean the colors of the gay flag, either. 

As Trump Campaign Advisor Jason Miller went on to say about Hillary’s statements, “Tonight’s comments were more than another example of Clinton lying to the country about her emails, jeopardizing our national security, or even calling citizens ‘super-predators’ – this was Clinton, as a defender of Washington’s rigged system – telling the American public that she could care less about them”.[5]  Hillary represents the very worst of America – a corrupt, lying politician supporting a rigged system and working to divide America to win at any cost, true to her Saul Alinksy roots.

It’s not Americans like me who need an intervention, Hillary – it is anyone, gay, straight, or otherwise – who needs an intervention if they are considering voting for you.  While many of your progressive supporters are irredeemable, pushing for open boarders, massive government, high taxes, a weak defense and skyrocketing deficits and debts, not to mention lawlessness and attacks our our military and uniformed police, there is a cure for “Progressive Brian Disorder” for millions.  It starts with learning the facts, dumping support for your and your corrupt "anti-opportunity" party, joining the conservative movement and voting for Trump. 

Thanks for giving us your “47%” moment, shadowing Mitt Romney’s unfortunate comment in 2012 that may have cost him the White House. Let’s hope you just tanked your own run for the presidency, Hillary, with your incendiary comment.  This gay conservative won’t sit back and watch you dupe more Americans with your lies and steal this election – there’s more of us LBGT Trump supporters than you know, and we will make our voices heard loud and clear soon.

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