Monday, September 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton is Really Attacking HALF of America as “Deplorable Haters” – While Letting Islamic Terrorists Off the Hook

The Democrat candidate for the President of the United States has labeled ½ of America as deplorable haters.  Not just ½ of Trump’s supporters.  When it comes to her opinion of Islamic terrorist that have come to our country to attack and kill Americans, Hillary talks in far more positive terms about them, being careful not to label them “deplorable” and even refusing to use the words “Islamic terrorists” or “radical Muslims”.  That, Hillary, is deplorable.

Speaking at an LBGT fundraiser in New York City on September 9th with liberal icon Barbara Streisand, Hillary Clinton said, “You know to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” she said as the crowd laughed and applauded. “…the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”  She went on to say, “Some of those folks — they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America”.[1] 

In contrast, after the savage Islamic terrorist attacks in Minnesota, New York and New Jersey by radical Muslims that injured dozens, she didn’t similarly criticize these attackers as “deplorable” or “haters”, but instead directed her fire and attacks to Donald Trump for calling a “bomb” a “bomb”.  Really, Hillary?

But, Hillary only called 1/2 of Trump’s supporters deplorable haters – is that really ½ of America?  Yes. And I’ll explain why.

Hillary Clinton and other Democrats have spoken out numerous times claiming with authority that only a “tiny percentage” of Muslims worldwide are radical extremists.  Calling them anything more would be unfairly painting all Muslims with a broad brush as radical extremists, according to them.  Can you imagine the backlash if a politician were to claim that or a half, or even a third, of all Muslims in the world were radicals and terrorists?  Certainly, such a broad claim would be considered a bigoted statement and would mean effectively labeling all Muslims as such. 

Put another way, would you walk into an establishment if you were black and had reason to believe that ½ of the patrons were violent KKK members who wanted you dead?  Or, would you enter a bar if you were gay and believed that ½ of the people there were radical Muslims who believe you should be tortured and killed for being gay?  Do you honestly think you could just walk in and mingle with only the half there who you believed would do you no harm?  Of course not.  A rational thinking person would necessarily view the entire group as a danger and avoid the situation altogether. Half is far too high a number.  You would paint the whole group with a broad brush and condemn them altogether.

That is just exactly Hillary Clinton did when she made her extremely offensive statement about her view of Trump supporters.  She clearly cannot separate the ½ that she considers “irredeemable, hateful bigots” from the other half she claims are simply misguided.   Remembering her “extreme right wing conspiracy” charges that she’s made for decades now, Hillary has made other very disparaging remarks about her low opinion of all Republicans, conservatives and 2nd Amendment supporters.  When you add them all up, they are the people reviled by Hillary and the Democrat party and represent at least ½ of America.   Her signal to her supporters and the country:  ½ of America belongs within basket of deplorables…”the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”   

Trump responded, “"For the first time in a long while, her true feelings came out, showing bigotry and hatred for millions of Americans. How can she be president of our country when she has such contempt and disdain for so many great Americans?"[2]

Hillary considers ½ of America NOT AMERICAN.   Her hatred spans over 150 million Americans and if elected, she will tear the country apart.

I consider Hillary UNELECTABLE.  Calling either half of Trump supporters, or half of Americans as I have outlined, "deplorable" is appalling. She should drop out of the presidential race immediately.

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