Thursday, March 31, 2016

Why Black Americans Need to Dump the Democrat Party and Join Conservatives

NAACP President and CEO Ben Jealous has stated publically that African Americans are doing worse under Obama than President Bush, saying “When you look at joblessness in this country, the country’s back to pretty much where it was when this president started,” he said. “White people in this country are doing a bit better. Black people are doing far worse.”[1]  While Obama’s approval rating remains below 50% for all Americans, black Americans give Obama an 84% approval rating according to a Gallup poll – despite the harm his policies have done to their communities.[2] African Americans have lost more wealth under Obama than under any president since the Great Depression. According to Financial Times writer Edward Luce: “The median non-white family today has a net worth of just $18,100 – almost a fifth lower than it was when Mr. Obama took office. White median wealth, on the other hand, has inched up by 1 per cent to $142,000. In 2009, white households were seven times richer than their black counterparts. That gap is now eightfold. Both in relative and absolute terms, blacks are doing worse under Mr. Obama.”[3] And, while the black unemployment rate is currently down to 8.8% as of February 2016, the underemployment U-6 rate is as high as 20.1%[4], and Black workers have seen their paychecks go down since 2009, from a median household income of $35,953 to $35,398.[5]

The illiberal centralized government programs don’t help black Americans out of poverty, but instead have the reverse effect of perpetuating economic hardship and making black families dependent upon government handouts. These hardships have only been worsened by increasing single parent and broken homes, near record-high black youth unemployment, and black illegitimate births peaking at 72.2% of all black births.[6] Even the then Senator Barack Obama echoed similar sentiments in a March, 2008 campaign speech when he said, “A lack of economic opportunity among black men, and the shame and frustration that came from not being able to provide for one’s family, contributed to the erosion of black families – a problem that welfare policies for many years may have worsened.”[7]

Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson, a “hero” civil rights leader, said to two governors on Air Force One, “I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."[8] While LBJ is credited by illiberal Democrats for ending racism and segregation in America, Democrats are the party responsible for the contemptible Jim Crow laws. LBJ was a racist who only promoted and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 1965 Voting Rights Act because he thought it was politically expedient.[9] When he put his signature on the Civil Rights Act, he noted that Democrats were “signing away the South for 50 years.”[10]

If black Americans want to see examples of the destruction sewn by regressive illiberal policies, they just need to look at the places where Democrats have been in charge. Blacks have suffered the most under decades of regressive rule – Flint, MI; Detroit, MI; St. Louis, MI; New Haven, CT; Memphis, TN; Oakland, CA; Little Rock, AS; Baltimore, MD; Rockford, IL; Stockton, CA; and other Democrat-controlled “wonders”.[11] Before the Civil War and up to the 1960’s, Democrats had been the party of slavery, racism, and bigotry for most of our country’s history. The Republican Party was the original civil rights party, founded for the purpose of further fulfilling the Founders’ vision of freedom by eradicating slavery from the States.  If “Black Lives Matter” wants to go after the real roots of racism and the critical issues that black Americans face with economic opportunity, jobs, crime, drugs, education and poverty levels, the should look no further than the regressive policies of the Democrat party and its leaders. 

It’s time for Black Americans to leave the Democrats and support their true allies, conservatives and the Republican Party.

[2] aspx
[9] ibid

1 comment:

  1. There are many white people who mean right and in their hearts wanna do right. If 10,000 snakes were coming down that aisle now, and I had a door that I could shut, and in that 10,000, 1,000 meant right, 1,000 rattlesnakes didn’t want to bite me, I knew they were good... Should I let all these rattlesnakes come down, hoping that that thousand get together and form a shield? Or should I just close the door and stay safe? These were the feelings of Muhammad Ali when told that all white people are not racist. I believe you when you talk about your husband. Just like the moderate Muslim, the non violent Muslim that denounces terrorism. They should be lifted up and made to be known as heroes. The same with the non racist white people that just want to live and love. The problem is that within both groups there is an evil river of poisoned people. Trump speaks to them. Speaks for them. Just as the ISIS leaders speak to thier minions. They listen to those words and they take heart that one has finally come to legitimise all the hate the "Birther in Chief" sings about at every meeting.
