Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Hello, Hillary 2016? Goodbye, First Amendment

In an astonishing new poll taken last year by YouGov, an astonishing 41% of Americans – including 51% of Democrats – support criminalizing “hate speech”.  In the poll, such a hate speech law would "make it a crime for people to make public comments intended to stir up hatred against a group based on such things as their race, gender, religion, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.”  

While this sounds nice to the sensibilities of the average liberal progressive, it spells a certain threat to our freedom of speech as spelled out in the First Amendment, and potentially the end of this essential freedom enjoyed in our country for over 200 years.  “Hate speech” is, of course, highly subjective and is what progressives call any speech that doesn’t support their narrative and world view, whether the speech is true or not.

It’s something that Hillary Clinton has shown repeatedly that she would make a priority in her term as president, should she pull off winning the presidency in 2016.    Like all totalitarians, she will “stand up” for the rights of society’s “victims” by criminalizing free speech that she and her liberal supporters find offensive - and jail those who dare to cross the line. 

The First Amendment is a nuisance to far-Left ideologues like Hillary Clinton, who view our belief in individual freedom and the right of self expression as a crime against their progressive ideals of an ordered society.   It’s a reason the Left distains our Constitution with such vigor, labeling it outdated, racist, primitive and irrelevant in today’s multicultural society.  Never mind that the values enshrined in our Constitution have given rise to greatest – and most free – society in history, free speech is just too offensive for those who want to mute us in the name of “fairness and equality”.

It’s a worthy price for the goal of a progressive utopia here in America, right?

A few cases in point, in case there is any doubt about Hillary’s true agenda:

While Clinton was Secretary of State under Obama, she championed the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) -backed United Nations Human Rights Commission Resolution 16/18, which calls for “combating intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to violence, and violence against persons based on religion or belief.”  

Of course, the member states of the OIC ignore the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights outright in favor of their own, anti-human rights Islamic declaration, subject to Sharia (Islamic) law which bans all criticism of Islam, its laws and its prophet, under penalty of imprisonment, torture or death.  This resolution is nothing short of forcing sharia compliance worldwide, and Hillary Clinton supports it wholeheartedly.
This Resolution 16/18 effectively requires that countries pass laws criminalizing “Islamophobia”.  The OIC is set on making it an enforceable crime for non-Muslim people anywhere globally —including here in America —to say anything about Islam that Islamic law does not permit. 

This includes even true speech about Islam.   Just ask Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, a Viennese housewife and anti-Jihad activist, who was charged and arrested under Austria’s criminal code for "denigrating religious beliefs" after giving a series of seminars about the dangers of radical Islam - the kind of criminal code that Hillary would love to import here into the United States.  The Austrian judge ruled that Sabaditsch-Wolff committed a crime by stating in her seminars about Islam that the prophet Mohammed was a pedophile – even though the Koran and other Islamic texts clearly show that he married a young girl at 6 and consummated the marriage (had sex) with her when she was only 9 - and he was 54. Shockingly, the truth is no defense in hate speech cases like this.

Filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, maker of “Innocence of the Muslims”, a video falsely blamed by Obama and Hillary on the 2012 Benghazi terror attack that killed four Americans, was jailed as promised, when Hillary is reported to have personally vowed to “make sure that the person who made that film ["Innocence of Muslims"] is arrested and prosecuted.”

She upheld her support of Resolution 15/18 by supporting Sharia law compliance concerning the anti-blasphemy provisions in the law in this case.  Hillary was more consumed with gagging the free speech rights of the filmmaker than finding the terrorists who killed four Americans.

Clinton has also fought against political free speech, with her support for the overturning of the Citizens United decision which struck down a ban on political expenditures by corporations and unions, with the Supreme Court arguing that the ban violated the First Amendment protection of free speech. 

Once again, that pesky Constitutional protection of free speech is getting in the way of Hillary’s agenda for our country.  While, according to Clinton, it should be illegal for billionaires to use their First Amendment rights of free speech to influence elections, it’s completely fine with Hillary to receive hundreds of millions of dollars directly from billionaires – and foreign governments with horrendous human rights records – to fund the unaccountable Clinton Foundation.  It’s the predictable progressive double-standard once again at work.

Hillary has been consistent with respect to her positions on limiting free speech here in the US, and like the 51% of Americans who want to criminalize “hate speech”, she forgets that the greatness of our country – and the Western world – depends on the right of free expression and dissenting speech.   It’s called the FIRST Amendment for a reason, because freedom of speech is our first and most important birthright that the very survival of our republic depends on.   Holding such positions should immediately disqualify Hillary – or any other candidate – from the presidency, because their first and foremost duty of the president is swearing to protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States, not shredding it as Hillary will certainly find a way to do if she manages wins the office.


  1. Feel free to leave your comments!

  2. Oh hell no! This is our first amendment right to free speech! If they take away our first amendment right how many more will they strip is of? Liberal idiots don't have the since God gave a pissant! How many more agree with me?

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